About Me

Hello, I may go by the username Bumperdog on newer/modern accounts or usually as you find me as Torrent1704 (or 3). My real name is Nicholas and I'm a high-functioning autistic adult. One of the hobbies I like doing are playing video games. Sometimes I will watch a tv series or movie. I also have been trying to get into comics but it's hard for me to really get into it.

One of my dream things I like to do is making art. But one of the most things I was really passionate about wanting to achieve someday is make a successful video game franchise or at least try to know how to make a video game. I have tried this several times in the past.

My favorite game franchises

  1. Minecraft
  2. Super Mario
  3. Pikmin
  4. Splatoon
  5. Five Nights at Freddy's

My favorite shows/movies

  1. SpongeBob SquarePants
  2. Family Guy
  3. Breaking Bad
  4. The Simpsons
  5. Toy Story (Trilogy)

For any disclaimer: My pronouns are He/Him. I am a straight/heterosexual Male.


Currently being reworked.

How I discovered neocities

I discovered neocities in the a very unique occurance. I simply was browsing through a subreddit wiki called r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH and I went down to one of the websites that was listed by the name of Texture Town. Viewing the website amazed me but was more amazing was me discovering the large rabbit hole that I will go down. I immediatly found more websites that were all subdomains of neocities. Simply by clicking on the buttons that were hotlinks to other people's personal websites. This eventually lead to me to wanting to create my own neocity website and it was a piece of cake! I already knew how to format a html and I started developing the website as I went on.